Getting Started (Langley login)


  1. At your college computer
    1. Unlock the computer
      1. username: your college student number
      2. password: your DoB and first 3 letter of your postcode eg 01/02/2000SL8
  2. Choose what we are going to do: Go to the internet
    1. Correct tool – browser
    2. Blue & green circle (Edge) at the bottom (click)
  3. Privacy: Click 3 dots (top right corner) – for public computers
    1. Choose InPrivate/Incognito browser (black frame) — ready to do anything
  4. Go to learning website
    1. Type (in top address/text box)
    2. Press Carriage Return / Enter key (the big one)
      >> goes to class website
  5. Login (right hand side) – Student Zone
    1. Username (email) and password
    2. Login
      >> your course page
    3. Pick the YOUR-DAY class (eg Thursday or Saturday)
    4. >> your class page

Getting started in Ealing