001E1(2203) Next Steps in Computing


This is Part 2 of the beginner’s introductory course looking at being able to communicate and use the internet for day to day activities, such as email, socialising and online services. These are essential skills in today’s world, and important that we do them safely. Work (office) skills are not covered (please see following courses)

This course is part of our Ealing classes programme. You must be enrolled in the class to participate and your teacher will register you.


  • Registering (logging in), Passwords & security
  • Email, setting up, sending and receiving
  • Using online services safely and securely (including reviewing shopping, banking)
  • Video meetings (Zoom)
  • Social media (Twitter etc)
  • Mobile devices


A very important part of this (and other beginner) training is for you to do homework: the activities get you started but you need to practise them until you proficient and then apply your new skill by extending the activity yourself (ie. do things that are not on the activity sheet).

To use the internet successfully, you will need a mobile phone, preferably a modern smartphone.

Perhaps surprisingly, you will also need pen & paper! You are strongly recommended to keep a notebook and write your own notes, you will discover things that are not on our summary sheets.


Activities are things you should do. They might be an exercise (ie homework!) or something to read or watch. They are designed to help you learn and to practice the skills.

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