011 Learn My Way (Primrose Hill NW3)

Learn My Way is an online course for beginners. It teaches from the absolute basics to what you need to know about safely shopping or banking online.

It is made up a series of subjects broken down into classes about each topic, like chapters and pages. You first read the details then for practice, carry out an exercise or quiz.

We often use this online course at several of our learning centres and we publish our own notes to accompany the online training. Being a self study course, students can work at their own pace and in their own time as well.

Primrose Hill, NW3

We are preparing to run supported sessions in the area, as a combination of monthly meet ups and weekly telephone support.

There will be a small monthly charge to cover the meetings and/or the telephone support.

There is a tutor who will manage the class and provide administrative and learning support to the students.

Primrose Hill online course

Watch this space for information